1 hr
Prices Vary2 hr
Prices Vary30 min
50 US dollars1 hr
Prices Vary1 hr
Prices Vary
Personal information
Prior years income tax if you are a new client
Social Security cards and Birth Certificates for yourself, spouse and dependents
Dependent care, Name, Address, Tax ID or social security number
Bank router and account number information if Direct Deposit Required
Income Data Required
Wages (W-2 form), unemployment (1099G), Social Security Income (SSA-1099)
Gambling/Lottery Winnings and Losses/Prizes/Bonus (W2-G)
Interest and/or Dividend Income
Pension/Annuity/Stock or Bond Sales
Rental Income
Self Employment/Tips
Foreign Income
Expense Data Required
Health Insurance Market Place Statement (1095-A)
Dependent Care Expenses
Education/Tuition Costs/Materials Purchased form (1098T)
Out of pocket Medical/Prescription/Dental Expenses
Mortgage form (1098)/Home Equity Loan Interest/Mortgage Insurance
Employment Related Expenses
Investment Expenses
Estimated Tax Payments to Federal and State Government and Dates Paid
Personal & Rental Property Taxes
Charitable Contributions Cash/Non-Cash
Purchase qualifying for Residential Energy Credit
IRA Contributions/Retirement Contributions
Home Purchase
Small Business Tax Checklist
Gross income from sales or services and/or all other income
Business Interest Statements (1099-INT)
Cost of Goods Sold (if applicable)
Beginning inventory total dollar amount, Inventory purchases, ending inventory total dollar amount
Items removed for personal purposes
Materials & Supplies
Advertising, marketing or promotions
Business Insurance
Bank fees, credit card fees or merchant fees
Estimated tax payments made
Phone, computer & internet expenses
Professional fees – Accountant, Consultants, Lawyers
Office supplies
Rent & utility expenses
Transportation & travel related expenses
Business trip mileage log, log or receipts for transportation, parking, tolls, airfare, hotel, meals, taxi, tips
Wages & commissions paid to employees or Contractors (Form 1096 or 1099-MISC, form W-2 & W-3)
Federal and state payroll returns (Form 940 & 941, etc.)
Repairs, maintenance of office facility, etc
Other business related expenses